What made you cut off a friendship?

  1. She copied me constantly – hobbies, style and personality so had to cut her off as she was draining to be around. Also never planned anything and has no confidence.

  2. we just grew into different people and they were no longer compatible

  3. She would constantly come to me for advice, and when i would ask her for advice she would shut me out

  4. She asked me to take days off for dress fitting for her wedding while I was on military course. Told her it wouldn’t work since I had no power over my schedule at the time. She Got mad as usual. I cut her off for good and didn’t go to her wedding. We were friends for over 20 years.

  5. Basically, when I feel like I am much more invested in the friendship than the other person.

  6. Told me some of my other best friend’s secret, and said nasty things about me behind my back. Would gaslight and “justify” when confronted

  7. Everything was always about her and what she wanted. If she needed to vent I was there to listen. If I needed to, she would either shut me out or make some snide remarks. She would also always expect others to pay for her when going out to eat even when she suggested it. I remember once, when we went out to eat with two of her girlfriends (I knew them, but they were definitely more of her friends than mine). At the end of the meal she asked who was going to pay for her meal. I just thought “wtf”. One of her friends covered for her, but definitely didn’t seem to expect to have to do that).

    She would also talk about her friends behind their backs when she feels like they haven’t been making her their number one priority, or when they call her out on her problems. And sge had a tendency to tell me about her friends’ personal business, things that they probably wouldn’t appreciate her telling others about. I am no longer friends with her. Neither are the two girls from that time we went out

  8. She wouldn’t support my relationship with my now husband because I wasn’t paying enough attention to her

  9. They were a one upper. I could never celebrate any achievement without them telling me they achieved something even better. Same goes for when things weren’t going well.

    Everytime I did something wrong they would mock me, but when they did something wrong they expected full compassion and I wasn’t allowed to say anything negative.

  10. Among others talking about themselves and themselves only all the time to the point where I realised that they never asked a single question over weeks, deliberate sustained lying, not being available for me ever.

  11. She sucked all the energy out of me when I spent time with her. (Constant drama, and stupid decisions that created problems for herself, with more interest in the attention it got her than in improving the situation.) I have little patience for emotional vampires.

  12. Whenever she had a girlfriend she would almost completely ignore me. Then when she broke up with the girlfriend, always with a lot of drama, she would talk to me constantly. Mostly about her feelings and the drama. I’d be like a stand in girlfriend when she was between girlfriends.

    Then she’d find someone new, it would immediately get serious and she’d disappear. The pattern repeated itself enough times that eventually I fucked off out of the friendship entirely.

  13. She was so out of touch with reality and acted like I was never there for her, when really my family would go to the end of the earth to help her through her struggles with her family.

  14. Didn’t believe in wearing masks during peak covid. She has 3 kids under 5, and didn’t care if they went to school/daycare without masking up either. I ghosted her and don’t even regret it.

  15. I would have arguments with her on the phone every night and she would always threaten she would harm herself if i didnt do the things she said. 🙂

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