How much do you miss your partner when you guys are apart?

  1. A little. However I’ve got multiple partners so I always have someone nearby and ready to bottom for me

  2. Haven’t been apart for long enough to miss eachother so far, been dating a few years.

    We vacation together and live together.. so there aren’t a whole lot of times where we are apart for more than a couple days at most.

  3. Not at all. I really don’t miss people much, even people close to me. I’ve always been like this.

  4. Well, when I was with her, I fired and missed so many shots that I started thinking that I didn’t actually want anything bad to happen to her.

  5. Funny you should ask.

    She was out of town last week with her sisters.

    I wasn’t a hot mess without her but the place was too quiet and I definitely feel better when she is present

    We don’t have to do anything, I just feel better when I know she’s here

  6. Depends how long. A few hours? I’m fine. Usually by the time I get to the end of the work day I start missing her because I want to see her. I’m not sure we’ve been apart for more than 24 hours our entire marriage…

    Edit: Actually, she worked 24s when we got married. And did the occasional 36. So that would be the longest we’ve been apart since getting married almost 11 years ago.

  7. Not even close to how much I miss Richard Simmons. I respect his decision to live privately though.

  8. I work at sea, so extended periods away from the warmth of my love pressed next to me in bed. The weird thing is, even after decades of marriage, I think about her all day, every day at sea. But when I’m home, I kiss her on the head as she shuffles off to bed, I sit up and watch the news, talk to the dogs, just chill, before exhaustion makes me remember were the warm cuddles are, and shuffle off to bed myself, wrap myself around her an sleep like a drunken baby.

  9. Idk it’s been a long time and she’s always come back. So like 6/10 misses

  10. A lot. Tonight she’s kicking it with her sister who’s in town so I’m all alone tonight. I’m absolutely going to enjoy some alone time and it’s going to be really good for me. But I’m still gonna miss her

  11. Depends on the length. Typical work day not hardly at all, 1 day not too much (kinda like the alone time), 2+ then I start to miss her a lot.

  12. Only apart for like 9 hours a day and I miss her like crazy. Starts the minute I leave the house

  13. I have separation anxiety. I literally cry and have panic attacks when I haven’t heard from them in a few hours

  14. My fiancée and I are long distance. It’s miserable and heartbreaking to be without her for months

  15. It’s funny, I always say I’m good…and then proceed to wish she was there for everything. I can still have fun without her but things really just aren’t the same.

  16. I’ve been married long enough to be in the “sweet I get my bed to myself” phase of life.

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