When was the last time you complimented a man you didn’t know?

  1. A couple months ago I was walking out of my daughter’s preschool and another dad was on his way in. He was wearing gray crocs like me. I said “hey man, nice shoes.”

  2. Went on a hike a while ago and the group had, you know, different people and whatnot. One set was a couple and this guy was a hiker. I’m talking about he’s wearing the shorts that basically have his nuts hanging out and his legs are, quite simply, amazing.

    So I’m complaining, obviously, because I’m forced to go on a hike BY SOMONE, and that muscular guy is standing kind of nearby. I remark that I’m not blessed with muscular and well defined legs like that guy, and I point to him. Then he and his girlfriend look at me where I said to the woman, “Yeah, you’re lucky.”

  3. A couple of years ago. A dude with an awesome jacket, had to tell him how great it looked and to ask him where he got it from.

  4. I was at a restaurant a week ago, and some guy had a cool t-shirt. I told him “cool T-shirt”.

  5. I saw this guy at Whole Foods, he had the best ass I have seen. I told him “nice ass, no homo” he told me “please homo” I had to leave the store…

  6. Dude I golfed with yesterday as walk ons was wearing a decepticon snapback, so of course I complimented him.

    He missed a 3 footer for birdie “you fail me again, Starscream” and he burst out laughing.

  7. Probably in Judo in the past month or two. I returned to Judo at the end of March, and there were a surprising number of new guys of varying belt levels. I am a green belt, and I generally know how to do the things I want to attempt in Randori (sparring), but I generally don’t execute reliably. Set me up against anyone who is faster or stronger than me, it goes badly for me. Often when they are a lower belt level than me too.

    So after getting outworked by a younger stronger guy, I said something to the effect of, “Well done, you are catching me much easier than I thought you would. You are doing quit well. Also, I kind of hate you right now and you can go fuck yourself. But that’s my problem. Keep it up.”


  8. Yesterday, I don’t a guy in a gas station that I liked his shirt.

  9. I often compliment men on something they’re doing/done like aspects of their job or skills/hobbies eg “you’re doing a great job building that fence” or “those hedges look great, that must have taken a lot of work”. Something they’re putting effort into.

    I find compliments based on physical appearance or possession tacky and insincere and generally not received well

  10. Kinda the opposite direction here, but I remember the last time I got a compliment from a man I didn’t know. It was a few years ago now

    I worked at a hat shop at the time and a guy came in saying he was going to a party later and needed to put together an outfit for it. He just got new shoes and a jersey style shirt that matched (some kinda purple I think). I found him a basketball hat that went with the jersey shirt and the shoes almost perfectly and was able to stitch some cool stuff on it too.

    When I got done and gave him the hat he put it on, smiled and said, “Man, you really know how to dress a n—-”

    I’m white and I’ve never felt more complimented in my life.

  11. I do it all the time, usually if they have on a cool shirt or nice shoes, spreadin the positivity

  12. All the time. I often give other guys either the subtle nod or the finger guns

  13. Tonight. Said “Nice skates” as the dude rocketed by me with some neon laces.

  14. Today, if you would count someone I don’t know very well.

    Last weekend, if it’s a complete stranger.

  15. Yesterday, some dude came into my office with cool shoes. I figured people don’t buy cool shoes unless they want them appreciated.

  16. At a party probably two weeks ago, I complimented his boots, and told another guy he looked like jack Sparrow but I’m not sure if he took that as a compliment

  17. Saw someone with a cool hat while I was on a hiking trail. Told him I liked his hat.

  18. Never. Don’t like strangers complimenting me, and I don’t believe in offering an opinion unless asked.

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