A few months ago, I was getting a tattoo and making small talk with the artist when the topic of my (25f) daughter (1f) came up. We’d also been talking about the dating scene, and the artist suddenly seemed taken aback that I could be a mom and capable of dating at the same time. He said as much, that guys don’t want relationships with single moms and especially not at my age. I left feeling kinda bitter but determined not to let it get to me, except part of me felt like he was probably right. He was a man, after all.

Fast forward a bit: I’ve been texting this guy every couple days for about a month, and the more I learn about him, the more I want to get to know him. This is already dangerous water for the hookup culture that runs rampant in OLD. I tell myself to try not to get attached, and we agree to meet up in person. The chemistry is insane, the sex is amazing, and after leaving my abusive ex, I am the closest to feeling safe in a man’s presence than I have been in over a year.

I told this man about my daughter on the first date. Kept it real about my busy schedule and priorities as a caretaker. This man has been so patient with me even when I’ve doubted him or not trusted him because of my demons. We want to be around each other all the time. It’s been a few months and we’re still pretty deep in the puppy dog stage. We’re getting to know each other thru and thru. He’s started talking about a future for us and I’m excited and scared all at once. He wants kids and soon. He wants to build a family, and he treats me like a queen. It’s still very early on, but a girl can dream of a happy ending.

  1. Thanks for the laugh and the entertainment. Single mom with tattoos, and you’ve already let him know he’ll never be more then the 3rd most important thing in your life. Yeah, this will last. HAHA. Good luck, hope it turns out well for you two.

  2. Sounds like you found a good match but how do you feel about him wanting kids and soon? Is he planning on wifeing you up first?

  3. Single mom here, 27, never had a problem dating (apart from one weird rude guy) but never was without bf for longer than a couple weeks while casually dating

    Meanwhile non mom friends often have trouble dating due to hook up culture

    What matters more is standards and boundaries and not letting people take advantage and keeping up with staying fit and neat hygiene and dressed

    just because most guys don’t want to date moms doesn’t mean a large handful won’t you just have to be transparent and not give off low self esteem vibes

  4. At your age? Lol when I was 30 with children (widowed and then divorced) I met my husband on okcupid. We got serious fast and now we’ve been together over a decade. At your age… what a joke.

  5. I’m older then you but I’ve daited single moms befor both of them are friends to this day we talk every once and a while not all guys think like the tattoo guy.

  6. I loved reading this. I am so happy for you and I really hope it is going to last. ❤🧡💛

  7. That’s awesome and don’t believe the tat guy. There are plenty of us guys that aren’t shaken by ladies being single moms and it doesn’t bother us any. Some of us are single dads and some aren’t but there are lots of us that are ok with a lady being a single mom. Congrats on finding what sounds like a true man and finding happiness. Wishing you three all the best.

  8. A friend of mine, a very noble person and friends since school, dated a single young mom like your case with a little girl (around 1yr too I guess). They stayed together for a few years and recently got married and she’s now pregnant with his child. My friend is in his 30s. These cases exist and I wish you the best, keep the man with love.

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