I’m 29 male
I was talking to my coworkers yesterday about my dating woes online and offline when my coworkers call me out on being socially awkward.

I live with ADHD and have a proclivity to interupt and overshare it’s not like I mean to it’s like a tik or somesort of pressure that builds up in my brain, I’m also very introverted I rarely talk to other people outside of work unless it’s online I am in the process to go back on Ritalin since I’ve been off it since I was a teen.

I want to grow I want that attractive partner that enriches my life and I’d like to have more experiences, it certainly will help my depression, anxiety and self esteem in the long run.

But I’m also scared I have social anxiety I’ve even avoided stores once they became familiar with me. I’m special needs I’m mildly cognitively delayed I’ve had people bully me and take advantage of me in the past one event damn near ended me up in jail over a false allegation at a summer camp.

  1. I would try to practice. Go to places/social events with low pressure. Just see how it goes and go without any expectations. Observe mostly from the background. Accepting the fear you feel in these situations would be a good first step. ‘Stepping into your fear’ helped me a lot with dealing and understanding my (social) anxiety. Instead of trying to let it go away, become aware of its presence and try to look at it with a curious and understanding mindset. This way you gain back some of the control that’s lost to the anxiety

    Oh and if it is really affecting your (daily) live that much I would try seeking psychological help for this (specific) issue. This is not normal indeed

  2. im a 34m introvert. single since 2008.

    cant find ANY GIRLS ANYWHERE. the pandemic did this.

    it was a lot easier to find girls before this happened. i thought after all this was over, girls would want to be more forward and date, WRONG !

    im still living alone and renting. i get zero replies 99% of the time.

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