It is still illegal in the UK, I know many of them are imported but when did this become socially acceptable? I’m seeing more and more of it, and more and more people jumping to defend it (usually in terrible ways)

  1. It’s never acceptable, it should never be defended, it’s animal abuse.

  2. Lots more chavs are buying those breeds and think cropping it makes them looke harder.

  3. It’s been illegal since the mid-2000s. There is absolutely no defence of it. It’s animal cruelty.

  4. I’ve seen a few recently – thought it had died out. When it and tail docking were made illegal, there was an increase in dogs’ tails being ‘injured’ and being brought to the vet for treatment – not sure if the same is now happening for ears – if I were a vet I’d want to tidy up one ear only and mention that if the other ear became similarly injured I’d report them to the police for animal abuse.

  5. Don’t just assume cropped ears = cropped fashion ears.

    Our cocker was born after the ban on tail docking but being a happy dog, proceeded to kill it’s own tail by wagging it so much against hard surfaces that it split down the length. The only option was to have it docked and for several years afterwards we dealt with questions over having his tail removed for our own vanity.

  6. I’ve seen a few recently and it’s always the same type of dogs and the same type of owners. I’m not sure how it’s allowed.

  7. I saw one the yesterday on a walk, but the couple walking it seemed really sweet so I would like to think they rescued the dog who has already had it done. 🙁

  8. When blokes needed something to make themselves look harder next to their AMG A-class (funded through dealing), sleeve, neck tattoo and blunt fade hair cut.

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