We (28f and 31m) met on a dating app six months ago. We dated very briefly, for about three weeks, before deciding mutually to just be friends. While we dated we had sex and were physically intimate.

Our reasons for becoming just friends – I noticed he was having mental health problems at the time, which was affecting his ability to be present and get things done. It was affecting his life more widely, and I didn’t want to enter into a relationship with someone who was clinically depressed. I didn’t want to become his “rescuer”, because I’m aware people need to help themselves – you cannot fix someone or be entirely responsible for their mental wellbeing. He himself admitted he was not in the right place to enter into a healthy relationship. He said he wouldn’t be able to give the relationship the effort and time required.

So we have been platonic friends now for about six months. We’ve met up regularly, gone for walks, coffee, to museums and to the cinema, texted each other every 2-3 days. I feel we’ve got to know one another better during this time. Furthermore, he’s gone back therapy and went on antidepressants. He also got himself a new, better paying job. He basically says he’s in a better place now.

So I kind of want to date him again, but I’m scared to ask him, get rejected, and consequently lose the friendship, because I really enjoy his friendship.

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