So I asked out a girl I met in a club two weeks ago. She said yes to that date idea. Oh great, she’s really pretty, well spoken and seems interesting. We go out the day she arrives in my town. So what’s the problem ? The description of her life is so bright, possitive and filled with opportunities that I can’t help but feel bad about mine. I never met someone that literally makes me feel like trash. The date ends and nothing comes out of it. I think she saw it too, we aren’t living in the same world. So yes she can do worse than just saying “no”. She rejected me with another way, she said she didn’t even know it was a date. I called it a date, we’re one on one in a bar, I met her in a club… The first “date” since my breakup is just a shitshow.

  1. She gave you the Instagram version of her life lol. Nobody has a perfect life and everyone is struggling with something. Some people just hide it better than others.

    “I’m working on such and such side hustle business” (just has the idea, hasn’t started any work yet)

    “I visited Italy and went to Hawaii” (Went to Italy for a high school trip and Hawaii on a family vacay as a child)

    “I’ve been focusing on my health and fitness” (went to the gym twice in the last month)

    Don’t get me wrong, some people actually do have it all together, but 9/10 times it’s a facade

  2. This is my interpretation:

    “I’m not good enough and I’m not willing to change to become better.”

    Maybe I’m wrong.

  3. Hey man you just gotta roll with it. I just got out of the most loving and perfect relationship because we weren’t at the same places in our life’s. It’s one date that you’ll probably never remember, or you can use this as a spring board to introduce some change into you life. Bests of luck my buddy

  4. Hey man at the end of the day you have to have a lifestyle that makes you happy not impress other people.

  5. >She rejected me with another way, she said she didn’t even know it was a date.

    Something like this has happened to me before. Went on a date where I was super confident, leading the girl to different bars etc. made her laugh and she wanted to come to my place, however it was like 4 AM so she rather went home eventually.

    The next time we met I felt super bad about something else in my life. I was lacking the confidence and charisma and probably acted kinda awkward. Hear reaction towards me was COMPLETELY different. Her voice was not high pitched and squeaky like the last time and she seemed kinda bored, eventually she was like “you’re a friend” etc.

    The thing is that girls will only consider dating you if they are attracted to your vibe. If they are not attracted to you anymore, they will rationalize the fact that they’re meeting you because “you are just a good friend” even though it’s obviously bs. Why would I be drinking with you rn if I wanted to be your friend.

    This is unfortunately what it is. But don’t waste your time getting friendzoned, try to improve yourself and then put yourself out there.

  6. Hey man it happens. Everyone is at a different stage in their lives. Im around yalls age, 21 and in my last year or so of college. I too am definitely noticing the pressure and differences with people my age; some are basically already “real adults” and have been for a couple years, some are making that transition currently, some are basically still kids who can barely function by themselves, some are somewhere in between. But in reality nobody knows what they’re doing for sure, mostly everyones just winging it. Dont let it get you down just keep working on yourself

  7. >she said she didn’t even know it was a date

    Did u ask her out for a date? Like did u name it a date beforehand?

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