Literally the rude one’s. With close minded beliefs and aggression.

Maybe it’s cause my mother is that way; i don’t talk to her and got major mommy issues

I think i can spot a red flag easily – and would understand why some people ghost so easily – some people wear their anger on their sleeves. I guess now I just have to choose not to accept the abuse

  1. I don’t think you’re specifically attracted to toxic women, but you might have a… *submissive* kink

    So any woman with a strong attitude just have your attention faster.


  2. I think for a similar reason women want assertive men but end up with apples, you find the trait you want in toxic women sadly.

  3. I’ll be honest. I’m close to being the person you describe and while I work on myself and try to be better, I’ll probably always have lingering traits and habits.

    My best advice is don’t be a doormat and make communication a priority.

    Just know there isn’t anything wrong with you at all, but you have to make sure you aren’t allowing others to destroy you for the sake of romance.

  4. When you grow up in an abusive family, you tolerate abusive relations. Plain simple. Grow self-esteem, you’ll see the grass greener in the other side.

  5. You answered your own question.

    It’s cuz you have mommy issues, hence naturally go for such women to earn they validation and affection…that you may consciously or uncosciously feel like you lacked in relationship with your mother.

  6. Its probably because of your mom. Our parents really do affect how we see the world. Try to be as self-aware about your attraction to toxic women as you can and dig into it a little.

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