What made you who you are today ?

  1. The books I read. đź“š we are all the main characters to our own story. Let’s make it an epic one.

  2. Started playing my drums for the first time – it was banging..

  3. My mother… by not being good at it. Actually she was terrible at it.

    The one million books I’ve read to try and be the best person I can be.

    And the book I wrote… which helped me see the events and stories that made me as well as process the trauma and find strength from them.

  4. Trauma. And of course people around me, but not really in a good way

  5. Hardships, poverty, and upbringing wasn’t good. I overcame a lot of things and turned out to be a good person.

  6. More than anything else, my daughter. I had her too young and in raising her I somehow also raised myself. I cared for her through a life threatening illness. Her life has taken me through the full spectrum of human emotions- my love for her has been my highest highs and my lowest lows.

  7. i guess everything that ever happened in the world led up to it, probably loads of things I wouldn’t even understand. e.g the big bang, the 31 famines my ancestors went thru the past 200 years, where I happened to go to school, the internet algorithm that leads me to certain things and not others, everyone I’ve ever met, everyone I never met, the fact my grandma died the week before I was born, the fact Britain invaded India, the partition of India in 1947, the snake that my grandpa escaped from, the fact my parents had an arranged marriage, the fact I survived nearly drowning, the seating arrangement of my physics class in highschool, magnolia tree in my garden,
    my grandpas decision to pursue a PhD, my decision to quit ballet. so my decisions and everyone elses decisions basically. and other stuff that happened that wasn’t even anyones decision.

  8. My best friend.

    Met him online gaming at 11 years old. Learned we have a ton in common. He introduced me to his childhood best friend, we married, she passed, and now him and I are roommates.

    He’s been with me through everything. And I owe him everything.

  9. My parents… they were flawed and made mistakes but I know they loved me deeply and did their absolute best.

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