where did your water break ?

  1. First child – doctor broke it to see if it’d speed labor (spoiler – nope). Second child was actually born with a caul as water ruptured as I pushed her out and she had the amniotic sac still wrapped around her.

  2. It didn’t. She didn’t even drop 😬 they had to force her to drop 10 days after she was due.

  3. The first one I was in the bathtub easing contractions. I felt like I had to fart, which I did, and the bubbles stopped but feeling kept going.

  4. Both times hospital broke mine because babies were on their way out still in it.

  5. When I was sleeping once. The other time it didn’t break until at the hospital.

  6. In bed. Funnily enough, I had this weird feeling that night that I should put a towel down just in case. My back had some odd cramping and I just felt off. Woke up at 4am to discover that my water broke.

  7. At the hospital by the doctor when I was in labor with all of my children.

  8. 1st ~ in the hall right outside the bathroom door. I was talking to my husband while he was getting ready for work at 3:00 in the morning.

    2nd ~ in the hospital. The midwife broke it.

  9. Doctor with my first two. Was already in labor for hours when they did it. My third I swear it broke at home, in the bedroom. I ended up waiting (I have long labors and wanted to go to my middle sons preschool graduation) so I didn’t go to the hospital for a while (they kept calling since I called them to let them know I’d be coming in) But they did a swab and said my water hadn’t broken but I think I was leaking. It was definitely not urine. It wasn’t fully broken until I was in labor in the hospital and it popped on its own in the bed, I can’t recall if it was before or after my epidural but I remember the sensation of wetness

  10. Baby 1: I turned to reach for a dish on the table and there it went.

    Baby 2: Active labor and a partner who needed to shower and make coffee before getting in the car. In the elevator to the L&D floor I feel the urge to push. My doctor is on the way. Nurses are scrambling when I get to their station, assuring me that they got this and there it went, right at their station.

  11. Not until I was in the hospital pool several hours into contractions a couple of hours before she was born.

  12. In the hospital, at the hands of a really rough OB. 💢 He actually said “That didn’t hurt.” Yeah, it didn’t hurt you…

  13. In my bed. It was so anticlimactic the doctors didn’t even think it actually popped until like 5 days later when my amniotic fluid was really low.

  14. In my bed- woke up to a trickle, then went to the bathroom and it just kept coming. Kid was two full weeks late.

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