Growing up I never learned to handle conflicts. My dad was a horrible role model and that probably made me into an introvert with lack of communication and social skills. I have only been able to overcome this by looking up to my friends and colleagues as role models.

However, since I don’t see much conflicts happening in real life, I am looking online. I don’t get it how people can remain calm and think reasonably while under huge stress.

in the recent days, I have been following Johnny Depp trial and I don’t really understand how Camille and Amber are able to stay focused during their intense conflict. I would literally cry if I were in either of their shoes.

Any tips how one can train to handle such situations?

  1. Find some close mates you can have “play fights” with, or try take up debating, bat for a side you don’t actually support, removes the stress element if you’re not too worried about “winning” and you can practice your skills

  2. By not taking it personally and believing the other is a idiot so their comments are unimportant. Thats more or less the mindset imo

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