They keep ripping up my lawn turf and are a general nuisance.

  1. A pet lion may help. Or maybe even an elephant

    But an elephant may ruin your lawn even more

  2. Ask nicely?

    Having so spent £1000s trying to keep them out of my garden, I’ve given up. If they want to get in, they will. I’ve accepted that it’s the price of living in their habitat.

  3. Urinate all over the garden, particularly if a male can do this as it has more pheromones: this can help to repel foxes. Not sure about badgers however.

  4. Shotgun, or my preferred method is a shovel to the back of the head and throw at the side of the road to make it look like an accident

  5. Chuck a load of mash potatoes over your neighbours fence.

    I don’t know foxes like. Apart from bad puns and saying “boom boom” but you can’t exactly throw that over a fence

  6. Either put a full fence around your garden or just accept it. You’re living in their territory not the other way around. The amount of people who live near some countryside and complain about the “noisy birds” or the “wild animals” is just unbelievable.

  7. Learn to live with them. They wouldn’t be in “your” garden if they had sufficient wild habitat to find food, mates and a home.
    We’re living in a biodiversity crisis, please don’t make it worse by poisoning these animals or further fragmenting their territory.

    You can try things like marking the borders of your garden with male urine or chilli pepper as a deterrent instead.

  8. Does anyone remember the Mickey Flanagan skit where he does a fox in with a tin of beans in his back garden?

  9. The urine or faeces of animals they don’t like will do a good job.

    Try pissing at the edges of your property. Think of it as asserting dominance over the fox and/or your neighbours.

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