I have been pooping for several years now and never once have I coated the inside of the bowl in brown spatter several inches above the water line. Nearly every public men’s room I use (US) is absolutely misted with dark droplets and stinky smears.

Who is doing this??

If you are one of these guys, please hire a spatter expert to determine the velocity of your dookie shrapnel and then see a proctologist

  1. Oh my goodness if you find out let me know because someone has been doing this in our bathroom. It went so far it even got on the wall

  2. That’s me. Every instance, everywhere. You’ve been pooping for several years, but I’ve been doing it my entire life.

    You just don’t appreciate modern art. It’s symbolic of the struggles we go through, and each splatter is different because of the different struggles we all go through

  3. Where are public toilets? In public, where people are out and about.

    What food options are available in public? Disgusting poison that makes you have bad shits.

  4. I went on one date with a girl, got back to her house (lived alone), I went for a piss, lifted the seat.

    what I witnessed was a ton of splash back on the underneath of the seat that made me wanna be getting the hell outta there

    I’d say it’s mostly down to poor diet, too much fat and gas producing foods.

  5. People with IBS most likely but…

    I was a bartender at a casino when I was in school. It’s unbelievable what I saw some days in the bathrooms and on the casino floor on the way to the bathroom.

    Some people would sit at a machine and shit themselves, and just sit in it…didn’t notice until told.

    Leave their shitty underwear on the sink, under the toilet…pretty much anywhere and everywhere but the trash

    It completely turned me toward gambling being too unhealthy. I’ll play poker with family and friends but nothing else.

  6. The locals are on meth instead of opiates? Most men willing to sit on a public toilet are experiencing diarrhea, an unknown percentage of which will be explosive.

  7. when I worked 3rd shift at sheetz many years ago we had the Phantom Pooper who wreaked havoc for about 2 months. Hed come in during bar rush between 1-2am and leave shitty britches in the handicapped stall.

  8. I don’t understand.

    If it’s outside the toilet, yeah, problem.

    But if it’s under the seat, in the water or not, I don’t get the complaint.

    It’ll eventually wash away from future flushing. I’m not putting my hands down there.

    At most, maybe pour a bunch of bleach down there and let it soak then flush.

  9. I suffer from Crohn’s disease and spackling the inside of public toilets has become a bit of a hobby of mine. I’m happy to know that someone can make such a grand declaration such as yours based on the art I leave behind.

    Some of us have bad shits man, and a public toilet certainly isn’t going to be exempt from my intestinal destruction. BTW, you wouldn’t be looking for a proctologist, we need gastroenterologists.

  10. This is by far the funniest post… 😂 Thanks ! You said Dookie… 😂

  11. Shit…literally. We’re good for one person bending over and spraying nasty ass liquid shit all over everything. The sheer attack angled makes ya wonder if they were touching their toes when they unleashed molten fecal hell.

  12. I was walking past the mens room at work. I heard a very loud noise..sounding like a M80 going off…I blame that guy…

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