So I have a lot of mental problems. This leads me to be extremely verbally abusive sometimes.

I try to talk to my mom about how my own sister wouldn’t care if I died due to how I’ve treated her. She always tells me that it isn’t true, and I need mental help.

The thing is, it is true. You can’t love someone who is abusive to you verbally. Just can’t happen. I know that my sister wouldn’t care if I died due to my behavior.

My mom keeps gaslighting me and telling me that isn’t true. When I am using my common sense.

**TL;DR:** My mom keeps gaslighting me and telling me that my sister doesn’t hate me and does care about me. That’s gaslighting because it isn’t true. How should I deal with her toxic behavior?

  1. Stop taking to your mom about it.

    Or go ask your sister exactly how she feels about you. And let you mom hear it.

  2. Stop talking to your mum and start talking to your sister. Ask her how she feels. My parents abused me for years and I still love them, but we don’t have a relationship. It’s possible to have many mixed emotions regarding one person and one relationship, particularly one that can be as strange as brother and sister.

  3. You sound extremely unstable. Take your sister’s advice, and get help. That will put you on the road to her forgiving you.

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