So, there’s this guy who I met though Tinder and we’ve been constantly texting since since 2021, he’s very handsome and he comes across as very interested in me over text and he’s honestly all you’d ever hope for in a guy. He’s very introverted and shy and never really wants to call/let me hear his voice even tho it’s been more than a year! Lately he’s been writing me super long essays which take up to half an hour to respond to but then he takes a month to respond again and Whenever I try to make a plan to meet up he usually comes up with excuses on why we can’t meet. I feel like I’m never going ever hear his voice/see him in person ever because he has such a busy schedule but it’s hard to move on when he’s always lovebombing me with huge essays which make me like him all over again. Do I stay and keep trying or just slowly distance myself from him and respond after a month like he does since I usually respond to him a day after his huge texts

  1. He might be catfishing you. In my experience if sth is too good to be true it most likely isn’t. Even if he’s legit, him not sending you voice text is more about his confidence level than his voice. Voice is not an excuse not to send a voice text. If you don’t sound like a dolphin in extreme agony then you eventually send one. I think he’s afraid of coming across as a loser. Maybe he can’t complete a full sentence maybe his voice cracks when he’s nervous and he fears to disappoint you after long essays he sent. Besides nobody is i can only send you one long paragraph and fuck off till next month kinda busy. Move on i’d say.

  2. He could be in a relationship already, or he’s a freakin’ idiot. I hate to say it, but I think you gotta give this guy an ultimatum.

  3. Sadly I had the same experience. I’m a guy texted a girl for 1 year because she was too shy to talk on phone and too far to meet face to face. Our text was engaging, really enjoy it. Though she was my dream until I bought a $1k ticket to meet her. We did not have chemistry at our first meet so we agree to break off after next day. It sting a lot, but I learn to never delay real human interactions.

  4. I’d cut it because that’s to long and honestly doesn’t sound worth it either way.

  5. Too fishy
    Block and move on already. Someone who is really interested doesn’t send essays once in a month and doesn’t shy away from talking. He could be in another relationship or could be married, who knows. Are your expectations from a relationship limited to receiving one message a month? That’s too low.

  6. I’m in the same situation but with a girl. Last week I’ve finally got her number after 6 months. She expects me to still be interested. I’m sorry but I’m dating other women, I won’t wait for something that may not worth it. She is on the back burner. You should do the same. Talk to him but expect nothing.

  7. Girl any guy who comes up with excuses as to why he can’t go out with you is not interested. He’s probably already in a relationship. Please for the love of god stop wasting your time with him.

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