So i(22m) like this girl (21f), she was my first ever crush , recently we lost touch after high school but we got talking again in 2019 aince then we talked almost daily on texts i thought i was over her but feelings came back rushing ,but we are reallly far from each other so i could not ask her out.

Last march i confessed her my feelings that i like her , she just said that she didnt expect that from me and she might need some time figuring things out , a day later she started talking like nothing happened and i assume she doesn’t like me back , now after this she called me in april (we did talk on calls but it was very less until i confessed)
We talked for hours straight this went to continue for full april and may ,( we once talked on call for almost 6 hours straight without a break ) ,in between she also asked me what i thought about long distance relationships , she tells me every little detail of her life her dreams etc , gossips thoughts on her friends , roommate , ( she also told me when she had periods i tried to comfort her the best even though i was almost 24 hours away from her ).

A few days ago she stopped texting on instagram, i did not think much as she had a very big exam this weekend , day before yesterday she called me and told that she wasnt ignoring my messages its just that she has deleted all the social media apps to focus more on studies which was completely fine by me i do not want to disturb her when she has something so big ahead.

Yesterday i was just using Instagram i opened her profile and i saw that she started following some celebs , she told me that she deleted everything a week ago so its not possible unless she logged in again .

I dont know what to do i feel she made a fool out of me and just wants to ignore me i feel somewhat betrayed and unimportant to her. I dont even know if im right or wrong here .

Any advice would work.

1 comment
  1. My guess is that she doesn’t respect you enough or find you attractive enough to date you.

    So she is keeping you around as a friend. Personally I wouldn’t even waste my time with this but if you like to keep her as a friend then just keep texting her.

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