Hey everyone , I’ve had no luck with dating in the last two years I had cancer but I’m all good now💪. When talking to someone I meet they always ask what you do and I’m not working atm as I still need a few check ups ect. I would say nothing at the minute but I was very sick and that put me out of work, matches on tinder either possibly get freaked out and stop replying even a girl I had a great first date with. I avoided the work question before we met but she asked me a couple days after it and then I got ghosted. Feels bad 😔 and I feel like this will be the reason il be alone forever any advice I’d really appreciated it.

  1. How much longer till you can go back to work? Weeks, months?
    Tell them what you used to do. Don’t lie but explain that I’ve had a great career in “x” and talk about the things you enjoyed about your career.

  2. Wait till you’re stable bro. It sounds like you are still going through the after effects of your illness and generally girls want a stable guy with a job. Get through your appointments and get a job and then you will be much more desirable.

  3. Just say you have a full time job kicking cancers ass.
    Spins everything in a positive light.

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