TL:DR I’ve just got back together with my boyfriend but I want to break up again as I have feelings for someone else.

I’ve (F28) have been in a relationship with my boyfriend (M26) for three years. 3 months ago I found he was cheating with messaging another girl. We tried to make it work, but in that time I was just not able to get over it. Also during that time I started to get feelings for a friend of mine (M24). I kept the relationship going with my boyfriend to try and nudge these feelings away from my my friend but they keep bubbling up.

Last week, I broke it off with my boyfriend as I just didn’t want to be with him anymore. 2 days passed and I felt sad that there was a hole cut out from ending the relationship. We got back together, but it still doesn’t feel the same, and my feelings for my friend have got stronger.

I want to end up it properly with my boyfriend again even though we have only been back together 2 or 3 days. I just know I don’t have feelings for him anymore. But I’m worried about ending it cause we live together and I’m scared he would kick me out.

I feel like an awful person, cause I feel like I’m just playing with his feelings. Any advice?

  1. Just tell him you made a mistake in getting back together and are ready to be completely done. It’s understandable too, cheating breaks alot of relationships.

  2. this friend of yours has nothing to do with your relationship with your boyfriend. separate these ideas.
    Don’t put the blame the end of the relationship on someone outside of it.

    what do you feel for your boyfriend? do you like him or not? romantically or not? this will determine if you want a relationship with him, and vice versa.

    And if you decide you don’t want to be with him, it’s time to break up with him. it’s time to reflect if you like this friend, and he likes you.

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