I’ll start by saying: sorry for my English, sorry if it’s long

Now let’s go, some months ago I (18f) started taking physics lessons, because I s*ck and it’s pretty strange since I’m good at math, but anyway that’s not the point here. I got introduced to him (26m) and at first I didn’t mind him, I mean, he was funny, he was pretty good looking.. but it wasn’t too interested ahah.
We already had a “not too bad” relationship with each other, then time passed, we got into the same support group (for young adults with a “problem” we both have) and we started to grow closer.

I started soon to comment about him (not with him), saying that “through it’s not something I’d die for, if I got the chance to date him I would totally do it”.
Then one week ago, we were all together at a conference and some friends of ours (but mostly mine) from the support group casually came up to me and told me we looked good together, and I mean, I was flattered- but then it already made me think a bit.

That night we were having dinner together (with the group) and there I got the first real moment of “…wait”:
We were joking together (me and him) and I don’t even remember what we were talking about, but he told me to tell a love poem, so I did, I told him one I did (I did it because a friend needed it, and it was done with a random Word generator but it turned out actually good) when I told him it was mine he was impressed, he told me to write it, I wrote it to him (so that he would have it) and told him to use it when he meets a nice girl, or boy, and wants to impress him/her, he told me he would do that, than copied the poem and sent it back to me- it was fun, we joked around saying how incredible of a poet it was, but once again, it made me think.

Now, the other day we did our “last session”, but we didn’t study, we just talked about casual things, we joked around; it was going smoothly, we were having fun, then we touched on a topic which is sensitive, apparently for both of us. I brought it up because I felt like opening up to him, then he told me about his problem and I only then saw he wasn’t okay. I asked if I could hug him, he said he didn’t mind, so I did, and he started crying; at that point my heart started exploding- I’ve always joked about “wanting to see him crying” since the first day we met (I wasn’t happy about taking those lesson) but then when he was actually crying I felt so bad, he held me tighter as he cried and I tried to relax him by caressing his shoulder and hair and holding him tighter too, it was nice, and once he was feeling better we broke the hug, I asked him if he was okay, he said he was, he told me I was one of the few people who saw him crying and I was again flattered, he commented about my heart beating like crazy too, I told him I was scared for him, which I was, he smiled, he took my face in his hands and came to kiss my forehead, it felt good. We then started talking about lighter things but we stayed right next to each other (which we never did, we usually sit in front of each other during lessons) and we kept hugging, there he had a moment where started to fall on his words too, he told me I was beautiful both inside and out, and if in the world men were all like him and women like me, the world would be a better place; he caressed my arm and commented that it’s thin and smooth, and that it felt like a princess, which might sound ..sloppy? Mawkish? Let’s say even too sweet, however it made me feel something again, I thought he was cute. We spent some more time like this and I told him that I actually hoped I get a low vote in physic, so I have to study with him the whole summer to take a test in September, he didn’t seem turned down by it. We stopped talking once someone called him because they needed help, so we hugged each other one more time, he kissed my head, I kissed his cheek, then we separated.

Since that day I couldn’t stop thinking about it, nor about him, I can’t take his comments and his hugs off my mind, and I’m starting to think if we could actually be more.

The problem about it is that: 1, I’m afraid he’s just a really nice guy, and this is his normal self, I see him talking to the other people in our support group, he smiles, jokes with them, kind of the same way he does with me; and 2, I’m afraid the age might be a problem, I’m scared he sees me as I child, he never really treated me as such, but I’m still afraid I’m too young for him (not saying the opposite because personally, I don’t see him as “too old”, but he might be “””mature enough””” to want a girl his age)

Please tell me what to do, or at least if I have a chance, I wouldn’t want to delude myself… Thank you very much for your time

  1. You’re both adults. Shoot your shot. If you’re interested say something. The age difference should only matter if *you* don’t see yourself being mature enough for him, or that type of relationship. Don’t make his decisions for him. He might find you a suitable partner if you’re ready for it. Plus, you never know. What you both want with each other might actually align. 🤷

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