What is your favorite part about exercising?

  1. 1. The sleep i get that night; so much better than the days i dont work out

    2. How hungry i get and how nice it is to eat when i am hungry lol

    3. How the first reps are hard and makes me feel so weak and then 3rd and 4th reps suddenly feel easier and make me feel stronger. Feeling how the body adjusts and how not giving up always is the right way

    4. Feeling my muscles grow after some weeks. Seeing and feeling the difference is the best reward

  2. The post workout bliss, it makes me look better and it helps with my anxiety

  3. The feeling of accomplishment, even just finishing a set of lifting makes me feel like a million bucks.

    And also how it helps me look and feel better 😀

  4. That extra bit of energy I get for a short time during the “runner’s high”. I still hate running, but I admit it feels good afterwards

  5. It boots my stamina, and being consistent with my workouts disciplines me, my mindset would be like “if I was able to force myself to workout, then I can force myself to do this little task” helps a lot for procrastination

  6. Catching a hint of my (very slight) ab muscles in a sports bra.

    Um, I’ve noticed that since I’ve started working out, I’m a lot more…regular.

  7. The after part….

    I drag my ass to get to the gym

    Then count down the minutes until allotted time is over


    After I feel so much better

  8. How good it feels the next day. I mean it might hurt but I still feel good. Lol

  9. The part where I lay down on the floor with sweat all over me and heavy breathing and just think of how good that was of a workout 😂

  10. I love listening to Britney and it’s so fun listening to her femme fatale album which is my whole workout playlist LOL

  11. When I come home I feel like a MILF. I’m “dropping things” bending over in front of my husband, touching his shoulders and he’s probably wondering why his sweaty ass wife is so horny LOL!

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