If you could undo one thing about your life, what would it be?

  1. Being so scared or atleast acting on and listening to my scared mind. Scared to talk and say the wrong thing. Scared to go to those parties and the beach because I was insecure. Scared to be too loud. Scared to be too quiet. Just so scared I lost my personality. I’d undo that. If I could restart my life I’d ignore the fears and just go for it.

  2. Not building a better relationship w my dad while he was here, I miss him every day

  3. Being angry that my parents weren’t the ones I’d longed for my whole life. I’ve come to realize they did the best they could with the skills they had. Many skills they just didnt have. My dad could only offer me 30% when I wanted 100%… I should’ve realized he’s just human and f-ed up just like the rest of us and counted the 30% he could offer as 100%… but I didn’t. I wish I could go back and tell him it’s okay but I can’t as he very unexpectedly took his own life a few years ago.

  4. Probably studying science and math in high school instead of anything art

  5. Not taking my medical illness seriously in my late teens, early 20s.. I wouldn’t take my medicine “because I didn’t feel like it” or not listening to what the doctors said/recommended because “I didn’t really care.” Now my health is all over the place —it terrifies me because I’m a mom.. my little ones need me and I could have possibly prevented all of this if I wasn’t such a stubborn idiot.

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