I’m curious as to what if any dating horror stories others have. What was your experience?

I’ll go first- we met on tinder and talked for a while, it was the middle of COVID and I made sure he tested negative and quarantined. Given that COVID was so new, nothing was open at the time, so I invited him over to my place for a drink and to talk and get to know eachother. He immediately gave me this very weird vibe. He starts talking about his ex, and he’s just trashing her to no end. Then he proceeds to tell me he’s been arrested twice for domestic violence against his ex (nope, immediately turned off, the date is over after he says this). He then says if I want to date him, I need to get rid of my cats (NEVER in a million years would I choose a man over my cats, are you insane?!). I tell him I’m getting tired, trying to give him the hint to go and he says “okay, let’s go to bed.” I say “no, sorry, I think you should get going, I need to be up early.” He starts pushing to stay the night. I firmly tell him “no.” and he finally takes the hint and leaves. That was the first and last time I saw him and our interaction was less than 30 minutes. He still texts me TO THIS DAY that he misses me and I just don’t answer. He keeps trying to add me back on Snapchat and IG. Someone broke in to my house a few months after that date. The creepy thing was I noticed AFTER the fact. Nothing was stolen. I work from home, so I think the break in happened during the night. I never found out who it was, but I have my suspicions. Someone also put maggots in my mailbox a few months after the break in. I’ve since moved out of state, over 300 miles away. I can’t help but think I could’ve been on a true crime episode had I stayed in my house much longer….

  1. During COVID I was talking to this girl on IG. We bonded over some stuff and were talking for a while.


    Then she tries to scam me and when I don’t go along with it, I get a call from an unknown number threatening to kill me if I don’t go along with it.

  2. Started hanging out with a girl one on one and one of my homies stopped by once and she immediately jumped on him.

    Later a girl introduced herself to me by putting my fingers in her mouth and I was spending a bunch of time at her place only for her to ask if I could introduce me to the same friend a few weeks in because she thought he was hot.

    Went on 3 dates with a girl and she invited me to a party where she got dp’ed by 2 other dudes.

  3. Went home at midnight cuz I wasn’t feeling a girl (never even kissed her) and the next day she texts me accusing me of drugging her and her friend in the one drink I bought them to be nice.

    I’m like, bitch, that’s now how date drugging works…why would I drug you and then leave?!?! Get the F outta here.

  4. Not really a horror story but I asked what a girls worst first date experience was and she went off about her exes massive dick. For 10 minutes.

    Good for her lmao

  5. I dated a girl that wanted me to take her to the movie theater 6 nights a week because that’s what her father does.

    Dated another girl who wasn’t working when I had a full time job. She wanted me to hang out with her at bars until they closed. After 3 nights of doing that and getting only a few hours of sleep before work I was running on fumes. So the 4th night I told her that I wasn’t able to hang out with her because I’m just going to sleep. She proceeded to blow up my landline which I then disconnected. She broke up with me the following day and I was happy to be single again.

    I dated a girl who would stop over my house unannounced. She wanted me to drop my plans because she was bored. No, gtfo. She couldn’t understand why I was so upset with her. So I get a call from her but she didn’t answer. I realize that she probably butt dialed me. I put the phone on speaker so I didn’t have to hold it and wait for her to finally say something. 45 minutes later she sees that she is on a phone call and she hangs up without saying anything. She calls me back and is pissed that I invaded her privacy. I tried to compare how I felt with her unannounced visits to how she feels about what I did. She didn’t get it and was still pissed. She stopped by unannounced again even though I told her how much I hate that. So the next time she butt dialed me I put it on speaker phone and listened. If you are not going to respect me then why should I take the high road. Pretty sure we broke up soon after that and she deleted my phone number.

    I dated a girl who tried to slowly move into my house without me knowing. I found stuff stashed throughout my house. Like under towels in my linen closet, in my bottom dresser drawer, between my mattress and box spring, etc. I packed up her stuff into a big garbage bag and put it in her driveway. She thought her father tossed her out of his house but the point was clear. She didn’t have to go home but she can’t stay here.

  6. I had a first date with a girl who was purposefully standoffish, actively not participating in the date from the jump, so sensing that for the giggles I wanted to see how far she would push it. Midway through tells me unprompted “You look like the kinda guy who takes it up the ass”… at least she had the decency to split the check

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