Men who like other men, what are the differences between dating a girl and a guy?

  1. I don’t like other men but i assume the difference is that they have a penis and woman don’t

  2. im not a man, but i had a friend tell me the difference once time which im sure varies person to person, but he was saying how men feel more built as for women are more fragile

  3. There’s no social pressures/expectations or gender rules, there’s no x should make the first move, pay for the date, provide and protect, and despite all the complaining gay ppl do no matter how you look or what body type you have there will always be men who are into you

  4. Dudes have a lot less chill but they are also a lot more direct. It can be refreshing to not have to play mind reader all the time.

  5. Guys tend to be more willing to get straight down to business, If you know what I mean 🍆 💦 💦 🕳

  6. The fact that you can both relate to one another as guys makes things feel easier in a lot of ways.

    Also like the other guy said… the dynamic is generally more equal since you don’t have those gender based rules in terms of stuff like who asks who out, who pays for dates, or the sense of entitlement SOME women seem to have.

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