I was seeing this girl and had her over but wasn’t sure she was wanting anything so I just went with the flow. End up not initiating anything just because our dogs were wilding out. I feel like she ghosted after that because I didn’t do anything.

  1. She may have been. Let me ask where did you sit and where did she sit on the couch and how close did you sit?

  2. Ask. Please ask— before you try to initiate anything. “Can I kiss you?” Something like that.

  3. She will give you cues if she wants anything to happen. You can always ask but tbh most women I’ve dated give all the signs they want to be kissed etc. if she’s on the couch with you and cuddling up to you then that’s a good sign. If she’s sitting away from you she’s probably not wanting anything to happen.

  4. Maybe, she also could have been less passive by showing you interest/signs that she wanted you to make a move. If you want to do something physical in the future, asking them if they’re comfortable (even if it seems dorky) can show that you respect them, which they should feel comfortable around you for.

  5. Not necessarily sex, but I’m willing to bet she was wanting to make out at the very least.

  6. Let her initiate but play footsies or kiss her neck to let her know you’re ready. Do it in a comfortable place like her home or something?

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