Who do you go to for dating advice and why?

  1. People who are in a successful relationship. Like I wouldn’t get dating advice off a professional curb crawler.

  2. I don’t go to anybody for dating advice. My parents hate each other, and I can’t exactly give her father a cow like my grandparents did or whatever. I don’t know anybody in a successful relationship, and I sure as fuck ain’t taking any dating advice from randos on the internet either lmao

  3. Haven’t dated in a long time, but for marriage advice, I go to my parents. Mostly my mom. They have a solid marriage, raised 3 kids, and have gone through a lot of hard times together.

  4. No one.
    I’m married.
    No, I didnt turn to people before that.
    They give eachother crappy advise.

  5. I usually ask people who I respect and who have a track record of success in relationships. It can honestly even be your own parents if they are two people who made dating and marriage work out. You can always pry a little gem of knowledge from each couple.

    On the flip side, NEVER seek dating advice from people who have never dated or never successfully dated.

    I used to go to a church where the culture could be a little harsh on singles dating. The loudest and most judgemental critics of dating were…. those who never dated but they LOVED to give advice for some reason. And they would judge those who did date for some reason…

    The ones who had a successful marriage always encouraged the singles to put themselves out there and date.

  6. I go to Reddit for dating advice because there will invariably be someone here to remind me how much better being single is.

  7. Do not ask women, they will give you advice that helps women and not men.

    Also stay away from PUA stuff.

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