TLDR: I got into a fight with my best friend months ago and we stopped being friends. My mom invited her to my party despite me explicitly saying not to multiple times.

For contexte, several months ago I (f 20) had a falling out with my best friend (f 22 I’ll call her E) of 10+ years bc I was unable to communicate my feelings in situations without coming off as guilt trippy and it was making her feel bad even in situations where I was trying to acknowledge I was the ahole. As a result, E blocked me on all social media and said she wasn’t gonna be my friend until I could get mental help for my manipulative behavior. During this time I found out she’d been talking to a group of friends about me and my behavior and they convinced her to just block me with that ultimatum instead of talking to me about the situation and telling me I was constantly making her feel bad (cuz I genuinely had no idea bc I always thought I was just telling her how I felt about a situation I didn’t realize I was coming off as manipulative and like I was trying to play the victim cuz I can think of several situations where I definitely wasn’t the victim). I bring this up cuz it’s contributing to my hesitancy to reach out to E bc she shared multiple personal details and private stories about me to this group and I don’t feel like I can trust her anymore. However, I’ve talked to her a few times since then (usually bc I sent a meme or something to her by accident but also to apologize for the last fight we had cuz I was the ah in it).

Anyways onto the current situation I’m having a birthday party (woo 21 years in this earth!!!!!) but my mom’s planning it bc she’s the one who actually cares about parties (I’m not a social person so I usually spend my birthdays with a small group of people but my mom insisted on a party). She’s well aware of the situation between me and E, but put her on the guest list still. I caught this and told her not to invite E. She proceeded to bring it up several more times and each time I’ve told her not to invite E. And can you guess what she did? She invited E without telling me! My brother snitched on her and I tried texting my mom about it and she just ignored the text. Today my mom tells me E rsvped yes. I don’t know how I’m gonna make it thru the party now. I’m crying just thinking about it cuz I’m not ready to see E for the first time since our falling out especially not at a party I didn’t even want to be having. I just don’t know how I’m gonna handle it and I really need advice.

1 comment
  1. Hi Mom

    Since you could not find it in your heart to honour my wishes on this special birthday of mine, I will be out having some drinks with some friends. Enjoy your party as was not thrown with my best interests in mind.

    Face it, your mom has to be told off. This is one route. But you have to stand up for yourself now. Everyone, at some point have to go ‘Mom/Dad, NO!” and stick with it.

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