So I’m a high school senior, and had been on the same swim team with this girl for a few weeks. We had some good convos, but I was always nervous to talk to her. Eventually, I heard she wanted me to ask her to my senior prom, so I did.

The dance itself was OK, kind of boring, but we had a really good time at the after party. We both had a few drinks, had some really deep conversations and eventually kissed a few times towards the end.

I told her that night that I really liked her, but that I was super nervous to talk to her. She was like don’t be nervous, we should hang out more.

So the next day I invited her to the movies— however, it went really poorly. I was incredibly awkward and didn’t make any moves except for putting my arm around her halfway through. She was like “I was wondering when you were going to do that”, and I could tell she wanted more but I was too nervous to do anything about it.

Now, her mindset is that she doesn’t know if she wants to go out with me anymore and feels like I have “a wall” put up and I’m not showing my true self. The fact is I do have a wall up, and it’s really difficult for me to act confident and myself since I’ve never been in this situation before.

We talked about the whole movie thing today, and she basically said she is willing to go out again but I need to stop being nervous.

Problem is, she never is the one to make any moves herself. She takes forever to respond online, and never comes up to me to talk in person— she just waits for me to do it. As an introverted guy, that’s difficult.

On top of that, this upcoming week is very busy with graduation events, and the week after that I’m gone on vacation. I feel like it is vital to get this worked out with her soon, and a long break would be a problem. I want to find a time to get together before we leave for vacation, but her slow response times and our busy schedules makes that really difficult. Plus, I don’t want to take away from her time with her friends if she’s starting to lose interest in me.

I really do want to try to make this work, and I’m going to try to be more confident around her, but I feel like at this point I could have already blew it and don’t know how much time I have left before it’s officially over. Any tips or advice would be super helpful. Thank you!!

1 comment
  1. dude, I get being nervous but do you want to look back in a year and not have the memories you could make with his crush of yours? Just think about what a smooth guy would do and then do that

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