So basically we’ve known each other for a while as friends but got really flirty lately to the point that we sext all the time and might meet up again soon to probably hook up. Normally I(male) would be very hesitant to just tell to someone i’m a virgin since I like to keep things like that very private but I feel like maybe she won’t judge about it because I noticed she just casually mentions she’s a virgin so it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to her. Just the thought of telling her that makes me really nervous but a part of me also feels like it would be great to be honest to her. I really don’t know what to do

  1. Tell her! It would make me way more comfortable to know honestly. She doesn’t think it’s a big deal so you bringing it up shouldn’t be either and it may help her calm her nerves if she has any.

  2. If you continue being physical you’re both gonna find out reeeeal quick that you’re both virgins lol. Might as well lay it out verbally.

    Also idk what the deal is with being embarrassed or whatever about virginities and whatnot. I was out here being a virgin by choice until 26 and feeling like a prize while, like, 19 yr olds think no woman would ever love them because they’re virgins lmao.

  3. Only after sex. Then if she dumps you, you’ll no longer be a virgin and no longer have to worry about that issue.

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