Long story short, I felt like I clicked with someone I met on here (Reddit) a while ago and have been looking for someone like them again. I was fine before I met them, but ever since they left, I’ve felt like there’s been something missing/a void. It finally felt like I had a best friend and partner, which is something I’ve always wanted, but I’m having difficulty finding that again. I’m doing things that make me happy and have been finding new things to do, but I keep thinking about them daily and it’s been half a year already; I know they’re not thinking about me and probably met new people already.

I can’t get a pet for companionship right now because I live at home and my parents won’t allow it, but I have been taking care of a stray cat that showed up a month ago. I guess they are my pet in a way, but it’s not the same. I mean, my life is good, but I’m just not happy right now.

I’ve been meeting new people online, but I’m just so drained and no longer excited with the process. I used to love meeting new people and getting to know them, but I no longer do. Putting in all that time and effort, only for it to end over something small and insignificant, even when everything was going well up until that point.

I only knew this person online for a month and I usually don’t have a problem moving on from people I met online, but I don’t know. I’m trying to find someone else I click with, but the “getting to know you phase” is daunting still. I’m trying to look for someone else I click with on here, but now I’m wondering if I was just lucky that one time. I didn’t instantly click with the person from before and it took a few days; I initially wasn’t interested in talking to them in the beginning.

Has anyone here ever found someone they clicked with (online or in person) quickly? If you have, how’d you meet them, how long did it take for you two to click, and how long did it take for you to find them? I just think I’m feeling this way right now because I miss talking with them/having someone to talk to that I meshed well with.

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