What did you do when you didn’t know what to do with your life?

  1. Just enjoyed simple things that I like: eating tasty food, watching new movies and shows, playing games, meeting with friends.

    I didn’t know what to do in 2018 and still haven’t figured it out, but these 4 years without purpose were the best years of my life.

  2. people really need to learn to set some goals for themselves and they would stop having these dilemmas.

    honestly one of the biggest problem with people right now is that they have no life goals and they feel lost. they dont know what to do with their life and are unable to be happy or contempt long term.

  3. For me it was getting rid of society’s chains and realising there is so much more I can do. Then thinking through and finding a new life goal. Then translating the new goal into small daily steps that build me up.

    Specifically this covered, marriage, politics, work and so much more.

    I basically reinvented myself at the age of 45. It has been ten years now and my life is so much better. Not perfect, but better.

  4. personally i just kinda floated. just let whatever happened happen. i was gonna end up wherever i was wanted/needed and i would pick up my life from there. i get some increadable work done floating because i couldnt care less about anything in my life. just cruisin on by till i find something that sticks. ive done this several times

  5. Fapped 4 times in one day which gave me absolute post Nut clarity about what to do in my life. Now I’m a cab driver in NY.

  6. For me, I once quit everything all at once. And I moved to the big city just to find a good career. I found a cheap roommate situation, got a job quickly. 6 months later I got a much better job. 6 months after that I got my own apartment. And kept going from there.

    It was the clean break and moving to a big city that did it for me.

  7. Improving on myself despite not knowing exactly which direction I wanted to go career wise

  8. Currently there. I bounce from lightly inspired to bettering myself, to just waiting for it all to be over.

    Mostly I offer advice on Reddit on how to not wind up in the position I’m in, and either get a lot of people saying they agree, or a lot of people calling me an awful person and saying I deserve to be in this dark, dark place

  9. Picked some random person people admired, figured out a way to imitate them and then routed my goals to fit that expectation. Now I’m basically that person and still don’t know what I am doing, lol, but I know I’m doing it well. Tbh I never knew what to do with my life, still don’t.

  10. Dropped out of college with no plan. It really forced me to try new things and see what I really liked and what I was good at

  11. I’ve been doing that my self the last year or so, I gave up the standard issue roadmap and have been mostly doing what ever my whims want that day when I am not at the office. Usually I’m on the clays course or out with the camera. If I’m not doing that I spend alot of time pondering what I am, what I want and what I deserve.

  12. I became a teacher, for lack of a better idea. That was 21 years ago and I just left teaching this month.

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