I (22F) don’t feel happy anymore with my boyfriend (24M). I don’t think he’s done anything worth to break up over. I just have different priorities in life now and being in a relationship isn’t one of them. But I don’t know if I should end it. He’s always been super sweet to me and I’ve confided in him a lot in the past but I feel like I was never suitable for a relationship. I always keep to myself and I get bored super easily, that’s just how I was even prior to my relationship. I feel terrible if I break up with him but I don’t want to stay in a relationship out of pity. I don’t even know how to end things. He’s my first boyfriend so I don’t know what to do. I just have different priorities and we also are not really compatible in terms of goals and interests. I have always been distant in terms of talking about our problems so I know it’s also my fault for being a bad partner. I feel bad for staying with him because he’s also expressed discontent about our relationship but he hasn’t broken up with me either. We’ve also been talking less over the last few months. It doesn’t really feel like a relationship anymore. I don’t want to deny that it’s also my fault. But I don’t know what to do. He’s been so kind and great to me that I also feel conflicted about what I want. But it’s obvious we aren’t the happiest anymore but I do care about him. I just don’t want to be in a relationship if I feel unhappy and I don’t know how to approach this. I’ve brought up taking a break but I feel like that’s basically just ending things. I feel like he would be better off with someone who’s more compatible with him, and will also be more emotionally available. I have so many things on my mind most of the time that I feel like I neglect our relationship. I feel unhappy, and so does he, but it’s so hard to even approach the problem because I just run away from them and he doesn’t want to break up despite feeling unhappy I’m sure.

TLDR; I feel unhappy but I’m also conflicted because my boyfriend hasn’t done anything wrong.

  1. you don’t need reasons or excuses to break up if you feel like breaking up. it is enough. say it exactly like you just did.

  2. Something it took me awhile to learn is that someone doesn’t need to “do” anything to justify breaking up with them. You’re not happy? That’s why you’re leaving, and that’s enough.

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