My dad was talking to my cousin and was shocked to find out she was going to convert it to dollars for her holiday spending money and started on a big rant about how young people aren’t taking the rise of cost of living seriously and how the £150 should at least be put into our economy etc.. I said my cousin was in the minority going to America for her holiday and besides, it’s her money so she can do as she wants with it.

I will appreciate the grant just for general living expenses 🙂

  1. I’m probably going to use it to pay my council tax seeing as that’s the biggest bill I have to pay every month.

  2. I don’t think I’m going to get it but I’m good for your cousin if that’s what she wants to do!

  3. Water bill or a month not paying my council tax. Its staying in the bullshit bill account so its not coming into the personal one.

  4. I’ve already splurged it on paying a domestic fuel bill that tripled. And I havn’t even received it yet – I’m crazy, me!

  5. Just gonna get funnelled straight back in to a utility bill/council tax. It’s not for me to say how you’re cousin spends his money but if he’s going to America and see’s this rebate as spending money he’s probably in a better place than a lot of people in the country at the minute.

  6. Putting it towards getting Netatmo thermostat and TRV’s and ‘smart’ my heating… hopefully reduces the bills in the longer run.

  7. Stuff for the garden. I’m going to turn it into a wild flower meadow with some potted buddleia to attract butterflies. I’ve even got my eye on a bug hotel.

    As for your cousin, she isn’t putting it back into our economy, she’s putting it into the American economy.

  8. It’s a rebate to assist with home energy. I’ve put it into a savings pot for when I’ll need it to cover higher energy bills in winter, cause thats the most logical thing to do.

  9. Payed it straight in to my credit card to bring that down a smidge quicker. It’s all in and out from the same pot for me so it will balance out.

  10. My £150 will disappear into my general expenditure, which on a monthly basis is significantly larger than that amount (as I’m sure is the case for everyone).

    It’ll help me catch up a bit which is appreciated but I don’t have it earmarked for a specific thing.

  11. Middlesbrough to be promoted next season .. 7/2 £150 bet

    This is a bad joke BTW .. in all seriousness it will go towards energy costs

  12. I mean it went straight into my current account so it’s getting taken straight back out for the next direct debit bill lol. I don’t see it as a treat, I see it as compensation for overpriced energy bills

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