My partner (36M) and I (32F) took a break a month and a half ago and are now back together. During the break he met someone (21F). When we got back together he was honest about the situation and assured me he had stopped talking to her and was completely loyal to working on us. I had a weird feeling he was hiding something on his phone so I searched it. I found messages and pictures to the aforementioned girl. He swore they never met and he was only talking to her still because he wasn’t sure how we were gonna work out. He assured me once again that he told her it was over and that he blocked her.

Well… Tonight I snooped his phone again. I found evidence that they have been talking but I can’t see what the messages are as they’re in the trash. He once again swears there’s nothing going on and when I finally got some sort of answer out of him he claims he borrowed money from her and she was asking for it back. I’m having a hard time believing that as there are A LOT of back and forth messages.

I’m not sure what to do. Do I believe him and give him another chance or do I kick him to the curb?

1 comment
  1. This is not court: You don’t need evidence, you don’t need to judge beyond a reasonable doubt to determine you want out of a relationship that isn’t working for you.

    He’s betrayed your trust multiple times and the fact that you are violating his personal space to snoop on him proves the trust in the relationship is broken.

    If there’s no trust, there’s no healthy relationship left.

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