I have a lot of social anxiety that’s for sure. Always were a huge problem for me. I’ve been seeing the most gorgeous chick ever and she finally agreed to go on a date with me. I mean… I’m so glad I could actually make conversation and not a weird environment for her. But when I saw her first at the mall my blood literally starts pumping af. We go to the restaurant and just to drink a cup of water my hands were shaking of terror. I saw her shaking a bit too (I think). Is it possible that it made a bad impression on her? I know girls like confident boys that’s for sure. But sitting face to face just got me terrified. Somebody please tell me if this is a natural response. If there’s a possibility she may have found it cringe to see. I’d really like to see her again.

  1. I think you’re fine. If someone judges you based on just simply being nervous they are most likely a shitty person. I wouldn’t read too much into it. Try and shoot for a second date :))

  2. Get a grip. It’s just a chick. Take her off the pedestal and be yourself with her. Stop wigging out

  3. This is a VERY normal response because you’re excited and nervous! It’s not anxiety good lord

    Happens A LOT

    Just means you both like each other 🙂

  4. aww that’s cute. Don’t worry about it. Try to arrange a 2nd date and follow up with her (text or whatever). If I noticed that I’d just think you’re nervous and into me. ACTUALLY I saw someone I know who presumably has a crush on me act nervous around me for the first time and it was pretty cute, I liked it lol

  5. That’s awesome that you feel that way…much better than indifference. It has been a while since I’ve felt like that. It should become more comfortable for you with familiarity.

  6. I have to say I ordered a drink at a bar the other day with my friend and the bartenders hands were noticeably shaking and he put our drinks down backwards and said “wait.. did I mix those up?” His nervous energy was so cute and refreshing I wanted to jump over that counter. I even thought about going back to ask him out. Don’t worry about it, you’re doing fine.

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