Wondering if anyone also has low physical self-confidence even after taking steps of working towards it? I get compliments from family and friends, but how am I to believe them, they could all just be saying that to hype someone up they care about who typically isn’t conventionally attractive. Not much outside of that has really gotten me out the trap of perpetual low self-esteem.

  1. As a straight man, you know you are hot when gay guys start complementing you

  2. Random people remarking upon it. Getting messaged first by loads of women. Actually doing great on the dating apps.

    Just keep working bro, it will all come good in the end.

  3. I lost ~100 pounds, took better care of my skin, started getting my hair cut more often and changed my wardrobe. Still invisible.

    Some folks just aren’t going to get outside validation. The key is keeping in mind the progress *you* made. Others aren’t going to know where you started from, and that’s fine. Unless they are close to you, they shouldn’t be expected to. I think I’ve done well, and that’s about as strong a compliment as I am willing to give to myself.

  4. When I figured out how I needed to style my beard to make it look right.

  5. Developping some taste in clothing and finding a good haircut.

    Before that I looked like a hobbo which was off putting for many women who would have otherwise been interested in me.

  6. My father taught me when I was young that a woman should never depend on her beauty to attract attention because often beauty is fleeting and will always fade, but to develop charisma and personality, because those are the people that others always remember.

    So I would suggest learning the art of conversation. If you’re also witty and intriguing that’s another way to garner self-confidence. I always think well-spoken people always appear confident, not in a fake bravado type of manner, but via subtle elegance.

  7. So, how do you become more self-confident without taking the 2 most useful and rewarding steps to become self-confident?

    Have you tried self-delusion?

    Lose fat. Gain muscle. Buy clothes that fit. Get a haircut. Brush your teef. Use deodorant. Repeat for years. That’s literally the formula.

  8. When my clothing goes together well! Developing a sense of style has really helped my confidence.

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