Farthest I would have to move is about 270km from where I live now to Karelian Isthmus in current day Russia. Shortest would be 80km.

All my grandparents moved in pursuit of work near Helsinki, except one, which was fairly typical.

  1. I did a family tree once and I found over 200 members back to the 1600’s and all my ancestors had lived within a 30 km radius. 😀

  2. For my grandparents on my dad’s side I’d have to drive an hour and a half north from Zagreb, near the town of Krapina. As for my mom’s side, I’d drive a bit longer northeast, a bit past the town of Varaždinske Toplice. They’re from the opposite parts of the same cultural region, Zagorje. And I’m pretty sure all of their ancestors were born in the same area going back centuries. We’re pretty much the direct descendants of the Slavs who settled here around the 7th century and were Christianized by Frankish monks a century or two later.

  3. Most of grandparents have their roots in SmÃ¥land where I already live but some grandparent was from Stockholm so that’s about the furthest I’d probably have to move.

  4. My grandma was born in Ljubljana, and my grandpa near Gorizia, so I’d have to move 0 km (or 2.6 km to the exact house she lived in as a child, compared to where I am living now in Ljubljana) or 50 km to Gorizia. In either case – not far at all.

  5. They were all born within 15 km of where I live. Belgians really love staying in their familiar bubble.

  6. Around 2500km to Kazan and 3500km to a village near Kazakhstan, parents born in that region as well

  7. Father’s side – 40 km(by air or through mountains much closer)

    Mother’s side – grandpa(I live in same village), grandma(60 km)

  8. Maternal side:

    I’d have to go to south Tuscany (Maremma), province of Grosseto (about 200km or so). My granmother was born in [Pitigliano](https://img.itinari.com/pages/images/original/bacfd406-199b-4aea-9e01-39afa6bd3f92-istock-stevanzz-small.jpg?ch=DPR&dpr=2.625&w=1200&h=800&s=a54a2382839c1c5d01f1a964e316f376). I don’t remember the name of the town my grandfather was born in but it’s still the same area.

    Paternal side:

    My grandmother was born in Rome so I wouldn’t have to move. My grandfather was born in [Caulonia](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Caulonia_2.jpeg), so I’d have to go all the way south to Calabria, about 600 km.

  9. In km, and as the crow flies.

    327km, 339km, 244km and 310km respectively. Weirdly enough, the first three are all in the same country whereas the last one in a different one! Seems we don’t like to stay in one place for too long,

  10. Depends on the grandparents, closest is less than a mile away, furthest is about 40 miles away

  11. Well, I’m originally from England so quite far! But thinking about the city I come from, it would be something like 400km from my Grandad and 150km from my Grandmother.

  12. I would have to travel 750km, luckily, all of my grandparents are from Cáceres, so I only would have to travel once.

  13. Over half of them were born in Helsinki so about 100km to where I live now, but my grandma was born in a small town called Nilsiä which is about 343km away

  14. About 5km for my grandparents on my mother’s side. On my dad’s side it’s more like 800km. They fled from east Prussia after the war.

  15. From my father’s side, I live in the same town. From my mother’s side it’s either 15 km (maternal grandfather I never knew), or 270 km to the border region with Romania.

  16. I could either stay in my parents’ house, move 10 km from my parents’ house to another village, 10 km in different direction to small town or 15 km in different direction to other, smaller town (which I wouldn’t prefer). And it’s all cca some 80 km from my current residence.

  17. I grew up in Stockholm where my maternal grandparents were born, so that would probably be like 15 km at most. My paternal grandparents are from different areas in Skåne, so around 500-600 km for them.

    If I count from where I live now it’s a lot further though, since I moved north for university – about 640 km to Stockholm and let’s say 1150-1240 km to SkÃ¥ne.

  18. That would be ~900km, more or less the same for all four.

    And probably the same for most of my ancestors, at least on my mother side.

    Only exception would be going a few generations back, my great great grandmother was from La Réunion island, so 9000km.

  19. A little bit everywhere in Spain : Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia x2. That’s 1000 km in average, give or take.

  20. My grandparents and all ancestors all the way back to the 17th century were born 10-55 km from where my parents live – and me and my s.o. are currently looking for a house in the same general area.

    Our “big city flat” where we live at the moment is 210-240 km from the grandparents’ birthomes. My family still owns some of the houses that grandparents were born in.

  21. For both sets of grandparents, about an hour to 2 hours drive away. Not very exotic

  22. About 60 kilometers, where all my extended family still lives in a radius of 10 km in the countryside. My parents were the only ones to move to the city because my mom attended university.

  23. Shortest distance is 11km (direct distance, not over the road) and longest distance if I’m not mistaken about 175km. I have grandparents from 3 out of 4 corners of the country.

  24. Something like 200 km southwest, 7000 km west, or 11000 km east, depending on which specific grandparent you’re talking about.

  25. Romania, Slovakia, and Iraq, and I was born in the US. Explanation: we are Jewish

  26. I’d have to move to another country to move where my paternal grandfather was born – in Lviv, Ukraine, about 750km (but back when he was born, it was Poland). For others, it would’ve been a little closer, but still close to the Polish-Ukrainian border.

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