How are you doing now?

  1. Bit the fuck out of me. Tossed her into another bed. She left. Never to be seen again.

  2. Mostly verbal at first. Yelling, calling names, basically degrading me. Somtimes slap my face, not enough to make a mark though. But regardless, I knew I couldn’t hit her, because I would be arrested. It wasn’t easy to get out of because she had a key to my place, she knew where I worked and everything. She kept reminding me that if I hit her, she’d called the cops on me. But at one point she grabbed the framed photo off my bookshelf and threw it at me. Instead of ducking, I let it hit me in the head. I had to get 6 stitches and she was arrested. Then I was able to file a restraining order and I’ve never seen her since.

  3. She was verbally abusive at first. Also tried very hard to isolate me. She started fights with all my friends, and tried to get me to stay away from my family too.

    She ended up becoming physically abusive after a while. It started with slapping but progressed to kicking me in the stomach and in my groin.

    I’m doing well now. That was around ten years ago. In the time since then I graduated college, got a decent job, got on my own feet, and married my wonderful wife. I don’t think much about what happened anymore.

  4. She hit me a handful of times before I warned her off. I had thought she was being playful at first, but then it escalated because she was being serious.

    Another one scratched me up with her nails because she was high as fuck. Anytime she got messed up she’s either want sex, or to hurt me.

  5. I married a version of Amber Heard. One notable night in Istanbul Turkey she threw a wine bottle at my face from point blank. Gave me a black eye. Very sad but in the end these abusers get what they deserve. She’s a complete wreck these days. My kids, all grown, are all no contact.

  6. I used to walk around shirtless. I liked that faint coldness I got from it. She would smack my arm whenever she was upset or annoyed. Smacks hurt more when you’re cold.

    She also used to pinch the back of my arm, right under the bicep. It’s a very tender piece of skin, and hurts a lot with very little force.

    She smacked me across the face a few times too. Knocked my glasses off more than once.

    Finally, the nipple twisting. She would absolutely reef on them like a particularly stuck lid on a bottle of pop.

    I told her to stop these all the time. Even tried to will myself to embrace the pain and try to get turned on by the last one (always met with a reaction of absolute disgust).

    As for how I’m doing now – very, very alone. The psychological damage was much deeper and longer lasting than the physical

  7. I’ve typed this so many times lately but she threw scissors at me like a ninja after I was being particularly nasty (truthful) in a fight. They were blunt ended but took a little triangle shaped chunk out of my back because I turned around at the last second, I was holding my daughter at the time. She says now she doesn’t remember but she was so crazy I actually believe her.

  8. I lived with a high achieving Investment banker lady who lived a very stressful life. When things were good they were very good but when things were bad she was a tad unstable. Only happened a few times but if we argued and she was losing she’d start pushing and trying to slap me. I don’t have a violent bone in my body but I’m 6ft and 110kgs and she was 5.5 and 50kgs soaking wet so the physical attacks were comical, I just would grab her hands and stop her or let her hit me on the body as it didn’t hurt.
    On the plus side these feisty outbursts usually led to feisty sex sessions so I took the good with the bad.
    Strange relationship but I learned a lot.

  9. Tried to alienate me from my friends and family. Came up with lies about them. She started to degrade me and made me feel like only she would want me. Started slapping me once in a while. Then one time punched me hard in the ear and now my cartilage cracks everytime i move it.

  10. Does being blocked from leaving her house after an argument one night and asking her to move but her refusing, until finally I had to physically throw her so I could escape her house count as her physically abusing me?

    Because if so, that.

  11. She hit me repeatedly, pushed me repeatedly, and wouldn’t let me leave my bedroom. I’m ok but I will never forget it.

  12. I think emotional, verbal and financial abuse are the most common where I am

  13. Genuine question, how come no one runs out the front door and moves their stuff into a storage lot when their girlfriends starts doing erroneous things?

  14. Of all the things, the worst was that she would threaten to call the cops and claim I had hit HER.

  15. She verbally abused me for years..trying to talk was absolutely pointless….my best defence was to go for a walk or a drive to the beach, which calmed me….but she also hated that….on a few occassions, she would block the door, take my keys and continue yelling and abusing…..

    God forbid i said anything to calm the situation….she has pu ched me and scratched my face on a few occassion…
    She would at times lock me out of the house after i got home from working 18 hours…..i had to sleep in my car or outside the front door…..

    I spent the final 6 years of my marriage sleeping on the floor, while she slept on the bed….she would through a glass od water over me in the morning to wake me up….reason….i was snoring…..

  16. – Caught me off guard and body-slammed me into a door, then pushed my face into the corner of the door frame giving me a black eye.

    – Punched me in the mouth and gave me a swollen bleeding lip, luckily that was during COVID so a mask covered it.

    – Bit my forearm so hard I ended up with clear teeth marks on my arm for 2 days, then bit my hand after.

    – Grabbed me and purposely fell to the ground just to take me down with her, not once but twice (though I still hit the ground first both times). After that I was sitting on the floor in the kitchen by the sink processing wtf just happened. About an hour later she came back, called me a pussy, shoved me with her leg while I was still on the floor (causing my back to get cut by the metal drawer handles beside me) because I didn’t do the dishes yet.

    – Pushed me, pulled on me, attempted to trip me because I was blocking a door so she wouldn’t jump off a balcony. Then she threatened to call the cops ON ME saying I attacked her because she had one tiny bruise on the side of her leg from trying so hard to trip me. Backed down after I said “Do it then, I dare you. You can’t act worth shit anyways.”

    Among other things. Somehow all of these situations were my fault for “letting her get to that point.”

  17. She would push me around and slap me a lot, trying to get me to hit her, which I never did. She also threw a frying pan at me but it was only a glancing blow.

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