What raises your bar of respect for a woman higher than your original bar for her?

  1. Knowing that she has been completely honest with me, even if didn’t like the honest answers all the time.

  2. The way the men in her life speak to her. Their mannerisms toward her. It shows me how she holds herself, and the respect she demands from those around her.

  3. When they prove themselves to be self-aware, kind and not shallow. That also applies to men, mind you.

    Another important aspect is the ability to not take themselves too seriously. I can’t stand people who can’t laugh at themselves or see the humour in things.

  4. Not treating us like a credit card. We don’t want you to pay but we would like it if you asked.

  5. when she doesn’t have a glass ego, able to take criticism. hell, some men have worse ego than women.

  6. When a woman shows depth. Not only that she is intelligent or read a book, but when she knows how to objectively view life’s challenges and on her own dig past the surface of the matter. This shows that she knows how to think well. This is not only respect earning but it is a big turn on.

  7. A variety of things not gender specific.

    One that stands out with women though because it’s extremely rare: Having standards for her own behaviour (or other women) on par with her standards for men. I lost count how many times I heard women excuse other women’s completely reprehensible behaviour, all while acting that any man is guilty untill proven innocent. This is no way to go through life nor to view half the human population.

    So yeah – any woman not caught up in obnoxious double standards is head and shoulders above the rest. Especially when this attitude guides her actions.

  8. Finding out they are good with money.

    That one comes from the school of hard knocks. My ex-wife couldn’t rack up debt fast enough.

  9. Someone who isn’t a “controlling nag” and who doesn’t rat you out to your boss apparently

  10. Probably applies to men too but women who have overcome difficulties instead using those difficulties as justifications. Although that requires getting to know the person, another initial sign is if she offers to pay and have no entitlement/expectation of you paying simply because you’re a man.

  11. Having a sense of humor and being able to take a joke. Also, how they treat others.

  12. Where it doesn’t feel like a lot of work to grab her attention. Especially if you just want to be friends. I’m used to the women I pursue being distant when it comes to dating but with a friendship? Hell no. Why even hangout with me if you’re not gonna at least partake in the banter.

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