On average how long should a person wait to reply to someone they really like?

  1. Everyone has time to text, could be 1m,30m,1hr and/or few hours. Just depends if you’re actually doing something when said text comes in i.e. shower, gym, driving, work meeting, flying etc.

  2. Why wait at all? I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like being a priority for someone they like.

  3. There shouldn’t be a wait time for replying back, just reply when you can. To wait a certain time is kind of immature in my opinion

  4. Don’t wait unless they told you that they want space. Otherwise you need to reach out when you can and avoid playing mind games.

  5. Depends but some people can take a day or two to respond others are 2 seconds – just don’t read into what the timing means – (imo) some people just hate being on their phones and that style of communicating.

  6. It’s up to you. I tend to bounce between texting people and scrolling through social media. If a text comes up, I’ll respond. When I’m in my head, I revisit the text when I’m less anxious. Otherwise, I’ll text when I have a response, which can take 1 sec to a day.

  7. I know a girl who tend to answer me with really long messages every 2 weeks. Others can take hours – minutes to reply. I don’t like endless text conversations, and if a girl text me a lot I will end up thinking that she has nothing else to do; it is definitely not something you can use to gauge interest.

    In my case I try to answer when I have some free time; sometimes I can take longer because I am thinking about an answer.

  8. Please for the love of all things that are good. Respond when you see it. That leaves you honest. And the reality is, the more games they play, the longer they choose to wait to respond. The less you should take them seriously as an option. If both parties care, and respond in a timely manner then you know it’s worth going for. Don’t lie to yourself. Everyone is on their phone just as much as the next person. So if you aren’t responding quickly, or they aren’t responding quickly, youre just being fake and wasting time.

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