How do the values of your parents differ from the values you’ve come to adopt?

  1. Other than religion (they’re religious and I’m now an atheist), we have very similar values. Even though I fought it as a teenager, I’ve now come to realize that I am a lot like them.

  2. Theirs have become “got mine, fuck you” and mine have not changed from “why wouldn’t we help them, *we know what it’s like*”.

  3. I wouldn’t say on paper our values are different, but pursuit and application vary greatly. Like family, safety, and personal freedoms to express oneself as they choose. The difference is I believe that these things require resources like time, money, and service to others that I must contribute to also achieve these things, and my parents are more the prayer and voting booth type of action takers.

  4. My parents are liberals and think the world can be changed using the system we currently have. I think that’s a naive view. I’m a far leftist who thinks we need multiple revolutions, followed by huge structural change.

  5. My ex-parents are homophobic and racist AF (ex because we haven’t spoken in eons). My best friend is black and my kids love him because he accepts their sexualities for what they are and not just ‘a phase’ . Completely coincidental but an awesome ‘FU’

  6. My parents have changed but when I was a kid it was very much the you should work hard all the time and wanting to rest or take a break or do something fun is just being lazy and selfish. Getting straight As doesn’t get rewarded or praised because why would there be a reward for doing what’s expected of you

    I don’t see the point of working yourself into an early grave, when I work I work hard, but I don’t want to work myself to the point I’m bitter towards everyone around me. I believe fun is an important part of life and it’s okay to just relax even if all the work isn’t done. One dirty dish in the sink won’t kill anyone

  7. Practically everything, starting with religion (both are Christians and I want to convert to Judaism) going to values ​​about sex or dress (I’m relatively more conservative than them).

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