I think this is more of a vent session more than anything but would also appreciate some advice.

So, I’ve (28F) have been dating this guy (28M) just under 6 months now and I just feel like he is so wishy washy and I’m constantly getting disappointed with him.

For example, I wanted to spend New Years with him but it never happened because of work. He said he would make it up to me and has tried twice already but it didn’t work out and I kind of just let it go. But just a week ago he told me he was planning something for us and that we would be spending the night together. And guess what he told me today? That he can’t because of work. So his job requires mandatory overtime and I understand things come up but the fact that he has been trying to make it up since January just irritated the shit out of me. So I told him I was looking forward to you actually planning something, but got my hopes up again.

And that’s the other thing, he doesn’t plan dates at all. Most of the time we will agree what day we are meeting up but he gives me no indication on what we’re gonna be doing or what time. Most of the time he will tell me the that day by telling me he’s on his way to come get me. We also only see each other once a week and it’s been like this in the beginning. I want to be able to progress in our relationship and start seeing each other more often.

Our communication sucks. Most of the time I only get 1-2 texts from him, and I noticed he never calls me unless I ask him to. So, one week I decided to not ask him and see if he would just call me on his own and he didn’t.

By the way, we haven’t even made it official yet. He keeps using his work as an excuse. Makes me think why he’s dating me in the first place?

And I have talked to him about all of this and how these things bother me and he says he will work on it but he never actually does or he’ll be good for a week and then he’s back to his old habits.

I’m just fed up honestly and kinda just looking for some assurance that I’ll be doing the right thing by ending things 😞

  1. Ya that was a vent session. If you need to be a priority and not finding it here….the best thing to do is move on because the man is gonna keep working.

  2. I believe that you already have your answer.

    BREAK UP!!!

    He can be a cool guy, but if both of you are not in a good sync that is no necessity to keep trying.

    You get upset for some things that really would not bother me, but bothers you, so… end things. Maybe will be better for you two.

    You find a guy that has more time and is more invested in the relationship and he will find someone who doesn’t care about this things.

    If I help in some way, glad to help. If I didn’t, sorry! try again in the next commentary.

  3. Definitely let this guy go so he can find someone who isn’t a nagging pain in the ass.

  4. I hate to say this but six months is a long time. I would end it if you’re not getting the results that you want. He is still 28 and still wants to play games. Men mature slower.

  5. Just tell him.

    So many relationship issues could be solved just by talking. Don’t beat around the bush just say look this isn’t working for me and say exactly what you’ve said here.

    He can either shape up or ship out.

    Missed off reading the end bit. If you’re not even together at this point I’d just bin it off. If it’s this shite before you’re official then what’s going to change?

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