So, to better ask my question or make it clearer, I’ve seen and heard of so many stories where women and young girls have felt ashamed or embarrased because of something like the shape of it in their pocket or the sound of opening the wrapper in a public bathroom.

If you’ve ever felt like that, who/what started it? And why? I hope all of you feel comfort with it now. ♥️

  1. The only time I was embarrassed was when I was using a see-through bag (the early 2000s were wild) and didn’t want to go around showing my pads to everyone. I was 13 and going to my friend’s birthday party, and I didn’t want people commenting on it, so I wrapped it in a scarf (in the middle of summer) to hide it.

    >the shape of it in their pocket or the sound of opening the wrapper in a public bathroom.

    I can’t relate to that at all.

  2. It was only when I first started. I developed early and was the first one out of my friends to start my period. So I was mortified to open a pad in the bathroom at school or carry one around in my pocket.

    I remember my mom telling me it would get more normal, and it did.

    Once in grade 7, my teacher had given us shit about wandering the halls while on a “bathroom break” and that we needed to go to the bathroom and come right back. I, of course, had my period and was a terrified to get in trouble.

    So I asked him to go to the bathroom and mentioned I would also have to stop by my locker for…things…. I was mortified.

    He felt horrible and the next day told the class that stopping by your locker when on a bathroom break was ok.

  3. I was only ever ashamed of it when I was a teenager shorty after I started using them, but then I realized there’s no reason to be ashamed of them, nobody is ashamed of using toilet paper or paper towels

  4. I honestly don’t think I ever experienced this particularly. I was definitely shamed for my breasts coming in at such a young age though.

    Actually, I had my best friend over last weekend and I had to just finished my period. I use a menstrual cup and had just washed and sanitized it and had it sitting on the kitchen counter to air dry. I completely forgot it was there out in the open and almost snatched it before my friend could see it, but then I thought “why?! This is my house, and my best friend, and it’s something that has made my life 10 times easier since I started using it so why do I feel embarrassed??” That 5 second hesitation made me realize that there are some things that are ingrained in us that we may not even fully realize.

  5. The only thing I was ever nervous about was “bleeding through” and staining – a universal fear I think lol.

    But just using period products? Nah, women commonly have periods and I wasn’t brought up to believe that my biology is shameful. Thanks mom and dad.

  6. everyone else was ashamed so i thought i should be as well.


    now i don’t give a fuck.

  7. I really don’t remember to be honest, but I had a lot of male friends when I was young, so I’m sure at least one of them said something. I do remember being ashamed of it though. Now I’m older and grumpier and I would change my pad in front of literally anyone while keeping aggressive eye contact.

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