If you could address the whole male population, and tell them two things they could generally do better at, what nuggets of wisdom would you provide? One of them can be about any part of general life, and the other must be specifically related to romantic relationships.

  1. There’s no wisdom that would apply to the whole male population. Men are very different from each other, just like women are.

  2. Be more empathetic and in touch with your emotions.

    Don’t make other peoples lives harder to live.

  3. It is okay to express your emotions. Therapy is a helpful tool. In romantic relationships it’s not about the big grand gestures. It’s about the little things. Like how you give her coffee in the morning, how you make sure her sink stops leaking, you walk her home to make sure she’s safe, you do small things for her. That adds up over time and will mean way more to her than one big grand gesture.

  4. -Make sure your partner has an equal number of organisms
    -don’t try to control your partner (romantic, business, friend, etc.)

  5. 1. I won’t assume that you guys are all the same so please try to see each woman as an individual and not as “a woman who acts the same way as other women”.
    2. You don’t have to look strong all the time, especially around me (wrote this one thinking about my bf, so in order to be coherent I need to add that this advice doesn’t apply to all men).

  6. 1. listen to women, believe women when they talk about their experiences and 2. get therapy before dating

  7. 1 There is nothing wrong with crying and feeling or showing emotions.
    2 consent is the most important part of sex, please make sure you have enthusiastic consent before doing anything sexual with anyone.

  8. 1) be compassionate towards all inhabitants of the earth and 2) be more passionate during sex

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