There is a girl I like. She’s been through so much. I finally broke it to her that I love her, and she likes me back. But she’s terrified to let me in after the last few times she has been rejected, and is not sure wether or not she wants to be a couple. She is feeling horrible about it and it’s all my fault for sharing my emotions. She said she isn’t sure if she will
be able to face me again. What should I do?

TLDR: I may have scared my crush away

  1. It’s not really a fuck up. You got it off your chest that you have feelings for her. She just can’t reciprocate them. Give it time.

  2. Never do that man. You dont just go up and say you love. You got to take it slow. Ask her out on a date first. After 2 or 3 dates make your move. Do not wait for the forth to make your move. Then after a couple of months in a relationship if you really have feelings for her then you break the news. Dont worry, there are a lot of girls out there. But yes, with this one you blew it. Move on. Good luck my friend, you will find someone else, just keep on trying 🙂

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