I’m 35, and my wife is 2 years younger than me. Since we both work 50 hours a week, we *try* to cook meals at home every night, who still maintaining a household and raising our daughter (8) and son (4). The past couple weeks my wife’s schedule (head manager at said place of employment) has been overwhelming, and we thought her pain and fatigue was solely from exhaustion.

It turned out to be a gallstone so big it resulted in emergency surgery for removal.
My MIL had the same issue, and inevitable surgery done 6 years ago; unbeknownst to me.

How have all of you dealt with the fact that a health issue could arise for you (or your spouse) due solely to genetics, without becoming completely overwhelmed and letting it consume your life?

1 comment
  1. About a year ago I developed chronic prostatitis, it’s something I’ve got used to, exercise and diet helps, but when it’s bad I simply can’t stop needing to wee. Like super cystitis… Its part of getting older

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