Who do you go to for dating advice and why?

  1. I used to go to a lot of people for dating advice. Friends, relatives, but turns out I’m terrible at taking very good advice so these days I tell no one about my romantic misadventures

  2. We don’t, there is no one to go to IRL, the most advice I’ve seen given anon online and most of that is usless.

  3. Any best friend of the opposite gender that knows me well and I am close with. They’d give me advice on what girls would think and want but also have your best interest at heart so if they spot a red flag then they’ll let you know and explain it

  4. People with relationships better than my own.
    Because it makes no sense to ask advice down the ladder rather than up in any area of life

  5. Most men in my family got married super-young, so they don’t have much dating experience to share tbh. As for the Internet, most dating advice there is trashy but I found one exception: Rom Wills on YouTube. Man’s in his 50s and majority of his insight is IMO a pure gold, aligns with my experiences and observations 90% of the time. He rarely gives direct advices though, his channel is mostly about explaining men-women relationship/sex dynamics.

  6. People in healthy relationships that share similar relationship style that I would like.

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