How old were you and how did you go about moving out of your parents’ house?

  1. 20 and as quickly as possible. I had a good job that helped me move into an apartment for a discount.

  2. Moved out at 18 to go study across the country. Packed my dads car and trailer full of the stuff I needed and then we drove down together. Lived in that place for 4 years as a student and for about 2 years as a working person. Then I moved in with my GF.

  3. 19 years old, had an argument with my dad and moved out. I stayed with my older sister’s family for two weeks until I found an apartment. It took me six months to make peace with my dad and have a good relationship again. All else is history now.

  4. 18. Knew i needed to go to a larger city to finish highschool & always wanted to be in Toronto and first moved in with family there.

  5. 14.
    Kicked out because “you’re ruining my marriage”. (Step father hated me and showed it with his fists).
    Took clothes and my guitar.
    Haven’t seen them….I’m now 48.
    *should point out this happened a few months after I ate a fist to the head and just stood there staring at the asshole. He didht do it again…even starting hiding knives when he went to bed so he could sleep without fear of being stabbed.
    Total fk head.

  6. 25 years.

    After 15 years married and with health problems, I returned to my parents’ house at 50 years old (currently 55 years old). Unfortunately, my parents have already passed away.

  7. I hanged out in dorm since 16 but officially was in parent’s place. Sometimes only came to them for weekends, sometimes mostly lived back there. Permanently moved to my gf at 25.

  8. 18 in 2001. I don’t know how I made it work. Two jobs and lived in a condo with four other guys at NIU. I never went to school there but sure as hell lived and partied there.

    Worked a lot of hours and had a lot of people splitting bills.

  9. 24 moved out with my gf.
    Nothing really changed, was independent and had freedom while living with parents.

  10. To stay independent? Still getting support while I’m at college

    Just living at a different place? Moved to a different country at 14 to go to a highschool and live in a dormitory.

  11. 17, I gave someone money as a deposit to move into a shared accommodation

  12. My mother was a ‘helper’ and she’d take time for every. Small problem. Now she felt she was entitled to the same treatment.. she was on a power trip constantly.
    I had a plan I worked out for all of grade school and the high school lit the slow burning wick. My 18th birthday was the same week as my after the ceremony, I packed up my rambling /shaking /Rambler Class (1964) and headed across country. I’ve never been back, 45 years. Worked out for me, wound up a millionaire and no family baggage ! Life is Good !~

  13. 15, ran away from an abusive home and never looked back. Didn’t make for an easy life afterwards though as I had nowhere to go.

  14. I was 23, I moved in with my older sis and her bf. We shared a nice house half an hour from our mom’s. Not ideal in many regards, but socially and financially sound. We split bills and all contributed to chores. This lasted for a year and a half and ended well.

  15. 32 and my parents umm… Bought me a condo to move into

    You know it’s time to get kicked outta the nest when your parents literally buy you a place to live! 🤣

  16. 17, moved to university hostels, which was a nice soft exit and helped me meet people to flat with the following years.

  17. Moved out at 18 as I had a job elsewhere. Dropped back in over the next few years when I was at uni. Moved back for 6 months while I was job hunting then left for good when I got a job in a different town.

    It wasn’t a big deal. I needed to live somewhere else so I went and lived there. I didn’t finally move all my stuff until I had my own place a few years later.

  18. Moved out and then back in a couple of times. First moved out at 19 and moved to a different part of the country, but that was for seasonal work and I didn’t have a place to stay when I got back so moved in again.

    Half a year later moved out to my own apartment but the lease ended and couldn’t renew cause. The landlord decided to make some big renovations that took a lit if time so moved back in again while looking for a new place.

    Moved out again after about another six months and haven’t been back (yet?)

  19. I moved in with a sadistic woman 9 years older than me at the age of 18 and she took advantage of me and was some of the worst shit I’ve ever experienced, so all in all it went great!

  20. 16, had to go for college. It’s funny how I lost my room there since I moved out. Every time I visit for the holidays my mother makes a bed for me. It’s like I’ve been demoted or promoted (with my fave foods and special treatment) to a guest ever since.

  21. I was 25 I think. Long term GF wanted to get a place together. So we started looking and I told my parents once we found a place we liked

  22. 18. Graduated high school, folks gave me an 8track player and 100 bucks, told me to make sure I visited during the holidays

  23. Graduated high school @ 17. By 18 I had a pretty decent job. 2 buddies decided to rent a house & invited me to join them! Worked out good!
    But I have to admit, I was in & out of my parents house 3 times after that. 3 motorcycle crashes in 5 yrs & my Mom would have me move back in to rehab (she was a nurse).

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