We’ve been talking for about 2.5 months and about half of it has been online and I’m(22f) away for the summer so we won’t see each again other until August. Anyway, he’s (24m) been making comments about my feet whenever he sees them in our video calls or they happen to be in a snap. He also jokes about feet pics occasionally. I’ve never been in a relationship and I know some people are into feet (I’m definitely not) so I don’t really know how I feel about it. I don’t really know what I’m looking for in typing and posting this. Advice? Reassurance?

  1. Do you like him aside from the feet thing? If so maybe its something you can work out with him, if not you just have to end it with him.

  2. Yes he probably is if he’s asking for feet pics. A guy who’s not into feet wouldn’t ask for that… it’s fairly obvious. I dated a guy or two who were into feet. It weirdest me out and one of the guys I got into a short relationship got really controlling about it… If you’re still into the guy then see how it goes, or does it bother you?

  3. ngl it can be kinda fun and endearing…but definitely tell him you’ve never been with somebody who is into that and have him tell you what that would look like ideally for him how that would play into y’all’s relationship. set your own boundaries and communicate thoroughly.

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