What is the worst trait in someone new you meet and a straight up deal breaker?

  1. SJW or talking about political issues a lot is a definite no. I like peaceful living and bringing up political shit all the time isn’t peaceful to me.

  2. Dumping their views/takes on you, or if they are LGBTQ+ just expecting to act like you have been friends for years and want you to treat them way better than someone you just met.

  3. Blue, pink, purple, or green hair (streaks are fine). I know what’s coming & I’m not dealing with it.

  4. Just looking for a father to get kids with. That can’t be the basis for a healthy relationship and there is more to life than kids, at least for me. So NOPE

  5. Diving deep into politics upon first glance, I’d like to think of myself as open minded to every party but if your too eager to share your political opinions than you want one of two things. To preach and to hear yourself or to find someone who has the same views which is a turn off in it of itself tbh and borderlines on narcism

  6. Meanness. If they’re mean and rude to table staff or shop workers. When people show you who they are.. believe them.

  7. When they think they are funny but they truly aren’t. Most women by the way.

  8. Expecting me fulfill them….when they have not fulfilled themselves.

  9. People who believe in religions… Hygene level… Self respect… Respect…
    Actually list is long for me😅
    I can’t stand people easily… even lack of education, culture, knowledge, brain system, daily negativity level can be a deal breaker for me. I break deals often

  10. Expressing sexual desire for baby Hitler is probably the worst I can think of

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